총 515페이지

2페이지 본문시작

The Charte r of National Educa
Wc hõ1VC bccn ∞rn ìnto this land. charged with ule hi!;loric illi~ion of
:-egencrati.-"lg the nation. This is the time for us to eslðblish a sel!-relianl
π)stlJrc within and contribute to the common prospedy of fllωtkind wilhuut.
hy “、、rit'llizing thc lUU5trious spir:it (;f our foreιJlheI':>. We J() }H::æby swtt!
thc pro;x:r coursc to fo1:。ν1 ;:md ‘sct it up as the aim of our t:ducation
With fhc sinçc:-e rnind 잉ld 야rong body. Împr。ηng ourselves in Jearning
띠ò arts, dC'ie!opinp, the innε!:e fal."1.üy of the r..atinn, “e will cuJtivate our
Cl.C시Iνc pow('r a.nd pÎonccr spiriL W1..' wil1 βvc the foremo::..1. c:.Hlsideration
í.o pubJic g.αJd and ordcr, sct a va1uc 011 cUK"icncy εnd quality, inh
thc SlJitil of fa:r and warrn cooα~ration. Realiιng th~t the :1;!liηn c:il'VC!OP"-
tlHough the ιre'ìtive ðnd αXlJ>
is the ground for 이KiividlμI gr‘싸Ith. wc wîl1 do ()u( bcst I.n :uf!lllhc rcsponsibi
liry ;md obligation ‘Jttcnænt Up'.Jll our :reeaorn ;Jnd right. nnd f!nc:nllraw
the willi!1lhJ1cSS vf the people tl) !,.)3rt:c:pak al:(l :j~(ve În bUlklüw:; ’:-!.e m!tton
n Je love of thc Ctn ntry ;ln서 f('i1nw îOl’ntryi1W I1 toe:e:tl~ec with the tiIm
belief in demα=:;~(.."Y 써낀msf ∞mm니mSf:1 is !:hc wav for our suππJ.l and
the basîs n:
w~n ‘‘’c $κ‘”씨11 hι‘'"ιJVC t’lC)fOη。l".
nf α)stcnty. WC ;]$ 꺼n indbstrjôus peúple ',J,riÛt contid,;::nce and. pride rled~e
ourselves to make ncw history with .untir.ng cfftφañd'êòllectÎve wisdom
。.f thc whole n.ation
2.~ ~l5!) J

2페이지 본문끝

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